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Everything posted by Snipez93

  1. *clap clap* meme review *clap clap* meme review ;)
  2. Lol got bored and made a meme, share all the memes here i wanna see what everyone has
  3. do you know how the bf1 detection is looking atm i was thinking about buying a month
  4. Hey, I was just on the playerunknowns twitter and saw this, so anybody using the hack be careful!!
  5. wooow your right its literally right there god dammit lol, but thank you, appreciate it
  6. hey could anyone post the disc channel here for me, searched around the forums for a bit and couldn't find it
  7. looks like the last few minutes here were pretty clutch
  8. god damn xD, i wish i was that good it's always the top 10 where i start to really messing up xD, too much anxiety in top 10
  9. thanks and man im a major noob at this game too xD, only been playing a few months maybe
  10. Was wondering how many chicken dinners everyone has gotten legit, lol i just got my 6th :DD was getting pretty low on ammo xD
  11. hey i was wondering, if i was using the csgo hack do i have to be restarting steam every time i switch games, like pubg for example, the hack is injected into steam an is undetected for csgo but would it trigger pubg's anti cheat if i was to not restart steam when i switch games, i've been restarting everytime
  12. ohhh okay ill definitely be getting myself some csgo hacks then :DD
  13. Hey, so i've been search around the site and checking everything out, does chods only offer hacks for 4 games now?, its not a problem if thats the case, i just remember a while back i had got my css, mw3, bad company 2 tf2, and day of defeat hacks here, and there was a freeebies section for people that didn't care about the risk of getting banned, I'm not looking for hacks for those games anymore, the only 2 games i'd be looking at are csgo and pubg which is offered (well aware i can't apply for any of them for 3 months because this is a new account) I just feel like im somewhat lost on this site ahahah, i was expecting the super simple layout it used to be xD, but clearly this community has grown quite a bit.
  14. been a while since i've been here, used to be known as kegerftw, just saying hey to everyone, you'll probably be seeing me around the forums
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