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Everything posted by DioNNèrks

  1. Hello, enjoy your stay with us ?
  2. Yes, but you just have to be patient ?
  3. You will be in due course ? Follow this line closely and as soon as it's in stock, go ahead. https://chods-cheats.com/store/category/14-merchandise/
  4. For the moment, they have a poor library loaded into the game engine that works like a black box. So yes, there is already something, but they probably take statistics or just bluff.
  5. Have fun, don't hesitate to ask questions if you don't have any..
  6. Faceless, noted. Thank you for your messages others.
  7. By the way, would it be possible to change my nickname on the forum? I have a new nickname with a new avatar and before buying several cheats here, I would like the change to be done if it does not bother the team
  8. Greetings to you all. My name is Junior and I am the author of a video game association since 2005 whose editorial line corresponds to my centers of interest: hightech, web, social networks, MMORPG, virtual worlds, innovations, geekstuff and gaming. The rhythm of motivation is simple: 1 game every 4 months and I work from Monday to Friday. Professionally, I work for Immersive Lab, a startup in South West France, dev 'agency / web consulting, reference in the field of Virtual Universes and their uses within the company. I do have a strong motivation for CHODS, a desire certainly to join the project as well as to support this community. In the meantime, please accept, Ladies and Gentlemen, the expression of my best regards
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