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Everything posted by chickenjoy

  1. Interested in a 7 digit. added you on skype Edit: bought a 7 digit, fast and trusted
  2. http://forum.chods-cheats.com/showthread.php?2431-WTS-6-Digit-accounts-with-500-hours-on-cs1-6-and-csgo
  3. Sold him a 6 digit acct with hours. Fast and legit buyer. +rep
  4. Selling this at 75% of the market price Market price $180 My Price $135 Playside: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/43106690268913910/CF01C09B32BE08E3117023769C5404777DD661DE/ Backside: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/43106690268914788/76F8D8AB2629B2EBF6F2A0BC2F554C014FAAD94C/ PM me for my STEAM or SKYPE Taking Paypal as payment. I will not go first but we can use a middleman. Vouches
  5. Got a few 6 digits in stock with CS1.6 and CSGO with ~500 hours, all hours are IDLED -VAC/UNTRUSTED/OVERWATCH clean -All accounts are 6 digit and have 5 year veteran coin. Also has 10-11 years Badge on steam profile. I accept PaYpaL $25/account PM Me for my Skype Terms Of Service I will not go first unless I deem you trusted (my discretion) I am not responsible of whatever happens to the accounts after I give you the details. All transactions will be done via Skype so I can provide you with a stress free handover of the account. When you add me on Skype, please add your FORUM name, so I recognize you. We can use a middleman but you pay for the fee You must pay for Paypal fees if there's any You must send it as gift with the note that says "I'm buying a virtual item, I will not dispute" VOUCHES
  6. Bump, got a 6 Digit 1090 hours cs1.6 1085 hours csgo 856 hours css $50
  7. ************************************************************************************************************* http://gyazo.com/9eef2519ca5bd6fb06887feadffd1298 Playside: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/43105420650040758/325C5ED9670B9C7DBEF8A5FED6216BF2CD843005/ Backside: http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/43105420650042584/66F7EC5D9DD23F5986567C3F10E9E3482B8E74D7/ Normal Market Price $320-$350 My Price - $240 PM me for my SKYPE I take PayPal as payment. Rules: Your Paypal must be verified You pay for fees if there's any You must send money as gift and you add a note I will not go first. We can use a middleman but you pay the fee ************************************************************************************************************* VOUCHES
  8. Do u have a knife in mind, I might be able to help u through csgolounge and trade some of my inventory to a knife you like, PM me so we can discuss
  9. I might need a css cs1.6 account if u have one that has original email. Also i have alot of vouches and if u dont mind going first since you're new here.
  10. We talked on skype but you went offline after awhile. Its up to almost 600 hours now on cs1.6 and csgo
  11. 1 of the 6 digit left, come take it off my hands. Its gonna be awhile til i get more in stock. It's up to 550+ hours now
  12. Bump!!! Got 6 copies of CSGO gifts selling for $8 each. Also got 3 accounts that are 6 digits with 500~ hours on csgo and cs 1.6 going for $25 each PM me for my skype for faster response.
  13. You go first since you have no membership nor vouches? PM me if interested
  14. I think he means, sold as in he wants to buy it. Lol
  15. Dude, how many of these do you have? LOL I played with a guy the other day and I think you sold him one of your accounts. It looks exactly alike, LOL Anyways, GLWS as always
  16. This guy is legit, he will pay you with PayPal. Don't be scared to deal with him. Good luck nerd. Lol
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