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Everything posted by yodragos10

  1. Ok, I understand. The money left my accout and is currently on hold. I hope everything will be ok EDIT: I hope there isn't any problem if the credentials of the first account match with this one,since I was really confused
  2. I understand. When I decided to pay I didn't had this account and used the new member method. I completed my credentials there and in the e-mail it said Order #21464, Click here to view order. However,once I clicked on the link it redirected me to the site and I couldn't login with the credentials I completed and furthermore, when I created this account via main page I used the same credentials as in the payment tab and it didn't even mentioned that they exist in the database. Is that normal? EDIT: I never ever had a problem with a payment before. if I would have any hidden interests I wouldn't be here. View Order
  3. I made a payment like 4 hours ago. I received the mail in which it says that: "Thank you for your order. Your payment for the invoice detailed below has been received and is currently being held for review."My money went out of my account. Can someone confirm my payment and give me acces to the product ? EDIT: My real situation: It is normal to take this time to review the payment?
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