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Domi17b last won the day on July 7 2017

Domi17b had the most liked content!

About Domi17b

  • Birthday 25/01/1997

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  1. I would totally take part in this if it would become a thing
  2. On official or community server? it could be that you connect to a server far away from you
  3. Hey cesarmorimoto, i hope you enjoy your stay with us:)
  4. Unfortunately chods doesnt have legit backtracking yet :(
  5. Hey Zombiegamer ill seperate this two different things. EAC: eac is a own anticheat that is used by third party clients like challengeme.gg and others. Streamproof: this makes your cheat "invisible" for ypur viewers while streaming or recording. This only works on some streaming and recording software.
  6. Domi17b


    Make a new thread here: https://chods-cheats.com/support/
  7. Let me go next hope its ok that i stole your format - I7 7700 - Nvidia Geforce 1070 - 32Gb ram - 250 gb ssd + 2 Tb hdd - aircooling my tip-> disable xbox game dvr -> like 50 more fps for my part
  8. Hey Spooners you have my cfg already:) hit me up if you want to play legit / rage kind regards domi17b
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