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Everything posted by wortexxx

  1. Hello, I am selling 3 accounts with rank GE. Every account has got more than 90 MMs & private rank 15-17, but you can't add friends from these Steam profiles :/. Price is 18€ per one. If you buy all 3 accounts, it will cost 45€. I'm accepting only Skrill. I'll give you 1st CD key and OE too after payment. If you are interested to buy it, just contact me Steam or here. I'll answer you on every question
  2. Hello, Can anyone please recommend any booster, who has got 9 accounts and he's boosting on map like Office? Please, because I need boost from SFMC to GE
  3. Can you give us some specifications about your PC? GPU, CPU, Motherboard and case? And nice mask on the wall
  4. Hello, I am here, because I want to ask you on something. Can I commend players with my VAC/game banned accounts? And can I do it same for report player? And which program are you recommending for reportbot/commendbots? Thank you for answers
  5. I've got VAC banned 'Untrusted' on 2 accounts with phone numbers from numbers.city...
  6. Hello, I'm selling this account for 39€ via PayPal. More informations you will find at Steam profile https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198102052832/ You can ask and I answer you
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