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Everything posted by theanonnymous

  1. True. I totally agree with that. But the level wasn't only for 60 EUR, nor the games. All the games.
  2. Thank you for your kind comment but I must disagree. I understand that a VAC ban lowers its price but the account has alot of expensive games, a really high level and it is from 12th September, 2003. When Steam was released. With all this being said, I think 100 EUR is a suitable price. Thanks anyways!
  3. Hi there! I am currently selling my level 107 Steam account due a phone sharing VAC ban. I have never injected on this account but unfortunately I was stupid as hell and I just lost the account that I loved the most. I am looking for offers, but the minimum that I'd sell for would be 100 EUR or more. I understand it has a VAC ban, but the account itself has alot of expensive games. I've wasted more than 2K EUR. Also, do not forget its date. The account was made on 12th September of 2003. When Steam was released. - http://store.steampowered.com/news/183/ The account has the following games CS: Complete City Car Driving DiRT 3: Complete Edition Football Manager 2017 Grand Theft Auto V Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Grand Theft Auto III H1Z1: King of the Kill Just Cause 3 Life is Strange™ Portal Portal 2 PAYDAY 2 PLAYER UNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS Rocket League Saints Row 2 Saints Row: The Third Saints Row IV Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Tom Clancy's The Division Watch_Dogs ...and many more! 2,204 items owned (Silver Operation Hydra Coin, alot of backgrounds, 5 Year Veteran Coin, alot of CS:GO skins) - skins cannot be tradable due CS:GO ban. 3,455 market transactions 122 badges 77 games owned STEAM_0:1:55xxx [U:1:110xxx] 76561197960376xxx The XXX represents its privacy as I do not want to expose myself here. The account will be sold with the first ever created email/OE included. If you are interested on buying it, send me a private message. Terms of Service I will not go first, only if you are a moderator or an admin. - I already got a vouch by a famous seller/mod. @Dexter I will not lower the price. Keep in mind that this was my main account, I still got feelings for it. Do not send me a PM if you are not interested. Only accepting PayPal as a way of payment. Payments get through Friends & Family and you will add a note saying you cannot and will not recharge. If you agree with my Terms of Service, then we are good to go. I might only have a vouch, but I am trustworthy and legit. We can go with a verified MM of Chods. I am not quite sure if they got one though. Thank you for reading!
  4. As the title says, I want to buy a level 10 FACEIT account. Willing to pay from 50 EUR to 70. Depending on the quality of the account and if cheats were used or not. Paying methods are PayPal or Skins. Whatever floats your boat. I want both the Steam account, the FACEIT account and the original e-mail of both FACEIT and Steam. Thanks!
  5. Check your PMs

  6. I apologize for not being here and for the delayed answer. http://steamcommunity.com/id/
  7. They aren't. Try zonerBot, you pay 1 EUR for each report and they get insta 11 reports and get banned if they're too blatant. I've tried myself once and it worked, he got banned in less than 4 hours. Or just talk with @Dexter, he bots them easily. :D
  8. CS:GO MM Rank: The Global Elite Wins: 235 Rank: Captain (25) 1426 hours on record EXTRA 2016 Service Medal Overwatch enabled Original E-mail PRICE 50 EUR through PayPal or skins with an overprice of 45% I will never go first. Unless you are an admin/mod. I am trustworthy and I have dealt with @Dexter once. But I understand if you have trust issues, as one transaction only isn't something that looks extremely good as a seller. Payments are sent as Friends & Family. I wouldn't risk scamming as I'd get banned from my favorite forum. Thank you! If you are interested, PM me.
  9. This account has been sold to @Dexter I went first without any problems. He is completely trustworthy and legit. You do not have to worry.
  10. He gave me a free Teamspeak server with 32 slots. What an amazing guy. He is completely trustworthy and deserves everything. Thank you so much! <3
  11. The price is a bit high for a VAC banned account. I know that it is level 130 and that it has a few games, but with some VACs it loses alot of its value. I wish you the best of luck anyways!
  12. Also, I am well-aware that I have a few posts and that I'm a bit of a new-user but I'm trustworthy and legit, and if I scammed, I'd risk getting banned, not risking, actually getting banned from Chods. That is why you can trust me. But I entirely accept MMs. I can go first to a mod/admin. That's all! Thank you.
  13. Hello there guys! Currently selling an account with 700 hours on Steam and ranked at The Global Elite. The account has Overwatch enabled and the golden badges (all achievements). It has the 2017 Service Medal and it has Prime MM enabled. Original E-mail included. I have never injected and you will not get VAC banned or OW banned eventually. So, if you do get banned, it is your fault. Price: 30 EUR - through PayPal - sent as Friends & Family in order to not get scammed/recharged and to avoid taxes. Paying with Keys or Skins has an overprice of 45%. I accept MMs or anything like that, if you are not in the mood on going with MMs, you have to go first. If you are interested, send me a private message through here. Thank you!
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