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About sureal

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  1. Doesnt say you can make a trade, without a middleman anywere? Just that as explained as the smart way. Trade completed. Acc sold, no scams happend here.
  2. Sale up for 6 Hours more. 67$ is that your offer @michelley?
  3. If 60$ is a legit offer, thats a nice start. Ill give it 24 hours, if no one offer more its yours. Ill get in contact with a middleman.
  4. I understand. I will ofc be using a middleman.
  5. I do know about middleman, and am planning on using one. But first i need to find a buyer, then setup a middle man rite? No use of setting it up, giving my info up without being sure if i whould be able to sell it or not? If you @faceless want me to contact a middle man rite away, i will.
  6. Want to sell my ''Escape from Tarkov Edge of Darkness Limited Edition'' Bought this 14/7-18 105£ I have used cheats with this account, not gonna lie. whould say ive played 10-15 games, atleast 8-10 offline. For me this game has to many buggs, exit points is my biggest. Id rather play a game that is less buggy, and now that wow bfa pre-patch is out im going to hit that hard. There is some inventory, since i bought the limited edition i have way more bagspace, more bags, more cash etc. Hit me up with any offer -Surreal
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