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  1. I completely and entirely understand your concern with how saturated the CSGO market is and I see the hesitation the staff team might have with bringing back the CSGO cheat but there's one thing that Chods cheats has that many of these new 2020 providers don't have and that's recognition. You guys have already built up a name for yourselves in the past that would make getting into the market simply easier for you guys. I believe with the right marketing strategies like getting well respected CSGO cheating youtubers to review the cheat and promote it, would grant what you guys need to get back into the market and generate some good revenue. Obviously this comes at a cost and time to develop a cheat that people would have an interest in buying. But the CSGO market is very simple the was I see it, people are limited on their options when it comes to choosing a CSGO cheat that can preform. They either buy **REMOVED** which hasn't been doing to hot for the past couple months. They choose **REMOVED** a cheat that doesn't even get updated since polak has enough money to pass down to 4 generations of his family. Then you have the private cheats like **REMOVED** that kids dream of getting into but never do so their left back to resorting to the first two options **REMOVED**, or use some random free cheat that has a bitcoin miner built into it. But the way I see it is you're going to be competing against 2 main providers on seeing whos going to be getting that one persons 20$ a month. This all come down to you though, if you're willing to learn CSGO's new algorithm and are willing enough to produce a cheat that would make people buy it and keeping up with the demand that people might have is all your call. Also spending money to advertise the cheat in hopes of making more back would also be a call you guys would have to discuss between your staff team or do what you guys need to do behind the closed doors. You guys make money and you provide us with a quality product in return plus you wouldn't just be advertising the CSGO cheat because when people come check out the store for the CSGO cheat they can also see the other products that you guys produce and possibly see an increase in profits from other products. Obviously all of this would have to wait up until you have a fully functional working cheat that can compete PS *I can beta test the cheat if you guys ever need the help*. Sorry I kinda went all out but in my eyes I do see a viable reason as to why the CSGO cheat would be a great option to return. If you need good vouches as to who would be good to advertise the cheat just let me know. If you have any questions you can msg me on here.
  2. Earlier today I was going down memory lane and remembered all of the good times I had while hvhing back in 2017, as I went down memory lane I was curios enough to see if the providers that I used to use were still available to this day but sadly a lot of them aren't. Then I remembered using chods csgo cheat back in 2017 and it was honestly one of the best cheats for hvh back then. Its sad seeing that the csgo cheat isn't available in 2020 because I was really looking forward to seeing what chods could do with his 500iq in the current era of hvh. I would love to see a comeback of a cheat that took hvh by surprise when it was still around!
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