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About AMirake

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  1. AMirake

    CSGO cheat

    yes you can turn it off it got a lot of options. can you teach me how? THank you
  2. AMirake

    CSGO cheat

    Is this csgo cheat able to turn on and off wall hack? Thank you
  3. Yea I know but I mean what if I use the other server, or what different? Thanksss
  4. I've renew-ed Chods, then I saw something new in the client: server singapore, and UK (i don't remember clearly) So I what different between 2 servers? And I'm in SEA, so I must use singapore server? or I can use any server? Thank you!
  5. Your antivirus most likely got you banned. Put a support ticket in and when running Chods, just disable it. yeaa but I was unbanned, thanks :3
  6. In the menu above where you have Support, there you will open a ticket requesting the unblocking of your account Thank you, I already sent them a ticket <3
  7. how to contact to them bro?
  8. Why my account had been banned, admin? I didn't do anything, just login then banned Pls help me
  9. can I hack in faceit when I use faceit anticheat client? (not playing ini faceit website)
  10. AMirake

    Faceit mode

    thank you for your fast replay <3 And what do you mean "don't use cheat on faceit client", I don't understand much
  11. AMirake

    Faceit mode

    I have some questions and hope you guys help me <3 1.Do you know what different between on and off faceit mode? Like FOV, aimbor speed,... 2. If we turn on faceit mode, will it automatically change FOC, aimbot speed,... Or we need to change 3. Faceit mode can now have wallhack? Thank you!
  12. oh that's why, hope you fix it soon <3
  13. Do anyone else have this issue or just me?
  14. So this is chods-cheats' problem right? I don't need to do anything right? Thanks for your reply
  15. When I play normal, it's fine. But when I open chods-cheats, it's lag (If I use AWP and scope and move the mouse slowly, It won't move. Like it move by square to square, not smooth) Is it because of chods-cheats server? Or drop FPS or sth? (my FPS always >200) Do anyone know how to solve this problem? Thank you!!
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