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Everything posted by MadY

  1. Hello, I'm selling accounts with your email and username CS:GO - 3€ DBD - 3€ R6S - from 5 to 14€ depends on version GTA V - 11,5€ Arma III - 6,1€ Possible to pay with Paypal, PSC (overpay) Have you find cheaper ? Please let me know i will try to reduce the price.
  2. Still offering best accounts for best prices
  3. My accounts are NOT cracked. My tos is against scammers that tried to scam me on other websites *******. I'm trusted seller known over the cheating sites. My prices are more than good, you won't find cheaper accounts than in my shop. And one more sentence about my ToS, i'm account RESELLER it means im buying those accounts from ppl over the world so they can refund it ( but usually my accounts are NOT refunded by the owner because im buying them from verifed source). If you want to know something about me feel free to ask me i'll be glad to answer your questions.
  4. Hello, welcome in my account shop I hope you will find there accounts you need for awesome price! BEFORE YOU DECIDE TO BUY AN ACCOUNT FROM ME PLEASE READ MY ToS DOWN BELOW PLEASE VOTE - https://strawpoll.com/agp5y9xb If you will vote i can get more accounts you like LAST UPDATE : 10.11.2018 Prime accounts RESTOCK SOON Nonprime accounts - Explanatory Notes Rank - Current rank when i added it for sale Wins - Current wins when i added it for sale Screen - Current screen of CS:GO when i added it for sale PoP - You'll get transaction IDs which were made on account( sometimes can help to recover account) Never Injected!!! - This means on this account noone never injected anything Account comes with skins - You will get everything what you can see in inventory ( I will not trade it to my inventory etc. ) If you will not understand anything feel free to pm me. I'll be glad to help you and answer your questions ToS - Buying an account from me you agree with following: 1. If you're paying via paypal you HAVE TO send payment as Friends&Family otherwise i will not accept it 2. After 30 days since account was sold IM NOT taking any responsibility for account. Everytime i'll try help you but im not taking any responsiblity. ( Refund can take up to 15days ( Paypal refunds)) 3. If you want any other details like faceit , esea etc. you must ask for it in same day you bought account 4. If account will be banned in any way ( OW, VAC, Untrusted, Trade ban community etc .... ) YOU ARE LOSING RIGHTS TO REFUND If you're interested or do you have any questions please pm me
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