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Everything posted by john2

  1. if you're still interested zxfireflyxz is my skype Sorry, forgot I posted this on here. I have injected on them, I haven't on the semi main in a few weeks.
  2. Negotiable Prices Account 1 - Smurf Rank LE 16 wins 27 Hours Rank 9 Level 0 Price $19 PP or BTC https://i.gyazo.com/9d5ce9b44d5b469403e20c7801e2cbd5.png https://i.gyazo.com/8c196e26e9a920078cef43d8060c68b9.png Account 2 - Main/Semi-Main Service medal, 5 year coin, prime ready, lots of hours, 12 games. Rank MGE 135 wins 620 Hours Rank 14 with prestige Level 9 12 games Price $33 PP or BTC https://i.gyazo.com/db17adc810aa58954d247b802e0ad75b.png https://i.gyazo.com/51be916fa59b0de993d1a0ba0b5218de.png https://i.gyazo.com/1b01646d44441c319ef9829317ca173f.png Pm me NEGOTIABLE PRICES
  3. Rank dmg 22 hours Price $13 negotiable https://i.gyazo.com/884f781882bff2dd6f0397b9a6a263ca.png
  4. Account now ranked mg2 will be ranking it over the next few days but if you want to makes offers hmu
  5. Account had rank reset due to hackers, I'll update thread once I get it ranked again
  6. What do you mean? like faceit? Sorry for the late reply
  7. not exactly what you're looking for but i have a dmg with almost 600 hours, 12 year old account. If you're interested lmk.
  8. Yeah thats correct i could help you out with payment check Pm if you are interested. They accept skins? whats the overpay % or w/e
  9. Rank: MG2 Hours: 600+ I'm still using the account and afking everyday. Wins: 145+ Steam level: 8 Game level: 13 but already prestiged Games: CS - CS GO, HL, TFC, etc. Member since: November 15th, 2003 http://steamcommunity.com/id/765611979627944490/ Price: OFFERS(btc/pp/skins with op) $30, negotiable, if you're interested hmu. Screenshots are a few days old. http://i.imgur.com/rKE886E.jpg https://i.gyazo.com/6968827bd100b9089a88571548a0e3f4.png https://i.gyazo.com/45300d2b6fb102a577550b5caf085770.png https://i.gyazo.com/cb446d8379d12c76de398e047b9effb9.png
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