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Everything posted by langod

  1. Vouch for bigboii, da real god
  2. I'm not sure how much I can get but I'll say 60€ as a starting price
  3. Hello, selling my main account since I don't want such an valuable account anymore. 13 years of service, since 29 September 2003 1,450 hours CSGO, 1,119 hours cs 1.6 and 48 hours CS:S Steam level 50 Faceit elo 2100 ( I give you details ) 38 mm wins, Global Elite Games - Rocket League, 1.6, CS:S, CS:GO Not looking for low offers but not too high also. Just offer me smth BTC, CS skins or skrill. Paypal for trusted users Best regards
  4. elo faceit?
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