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Everything posted by Genuinetech

  1. Name:Phil Location:USA - Florida What you do(work/school..): Work Age:31 Languages: Portuguese/BR - English - Spanish Online for x hours a day: 8 - 16 Experience with our products: member since April 10 2016 on csgo cheats and forums. Relevant experience: Forum Management, website development,Organized and clear flow of web pages.Some C# C++ Java Perl Why you think you would be good for this position:maintaining clean chats forums posts and support with buy and sell of products Anything else:America !! Fuck yeah !!
  2. oops sorry this is the account i was talking about.. aperently i did take the dragon lore out in time. but the hown still there with my knifes. give me offer and we talk. https://steamcommunity.com/id/Steam_IV I figure you might also want to know.. it was not a hack detection that got this account ban. was an overwatch ban. i was using chods atm. i put in tickets trying to get unban also i was streaming when it happen and i submit that to valve as well.. they just dont care.. if you have any ways to get this items to trade again you can have lots of money. but still a really good collection. i'll try to remember my other accounts as i have others with skin that were ban. Offer up let me know,
  3. I have accounts that are Vac and OW Banned with 1000s of skins .. some have dragon lore and other have M4Hown with knifes and 500 keys+ let me know if this is of your interest.
  4. Jungle ESP and/or Team ESP would be nice to See.. mostly Visuals. ESP and such. But Just an Idea.. Auto Skill use for dodge skills or ability would also be interesting to see. i don't think it would be easy to code something like that but it would be a challange to the person coding it.
  5. Would love to see some Dota2 Cheats.. lots of other places promise and don't deliver it. Other Cheats i see lots of requests in many other places is Division 2 / Rust 2 / CSGO ESEA servers and GTA5 Online.
  6. ok.. Again.. Start Chods Client... LOGIN With your usename and password. Select CSGO and Launch ( YOU INJECTED ) Start Steam Client... Login with your user name and password... Start CSGO From your Steam Game List... Let it load the intro and all that stuff.. sit idle for a bit and chods will popup. Once Chods Pops up You go to Profiles.. Select Faceit Public (MUST HAVE ME ADDED AS FRIEND IN THIS FORUMS) and save as your Default(SAVE AS DEFAULT) GO TO Face it Website Login with your account. Find a Match. and enter the server once it popup. And That is it .. you now have Recoil control..aimbot to body and Head. I Personally dont use the ESP but i think you can Use it at your own risk and Good Luck.
  7. Add Me to your friends list from the website i am going to share my profile for Face it .. Load it and Save it for your Self As anything you want and also Save it as your Default.. Run Chods Run The Game Make Sure That Faceit is Enable on Chods Go To Face it PLAY GAME...Queue and wait Once you get your queue you just get in the game and GG My Set up i do not use ESP. But i do when i wanna try hard My Set up MB1 is Aimlock Key and Recoil Control Play on 1 v 1 Servers first to get a feel for it with AK Good Luck. And As always use at your own risk. i been doing face it for about 1 month now with Chods on and off but always be careful. PS: I'll share the profile once i get online again just wanna make sure i share the right one as i have a few.
  8. possibly buying it today as we have talked about on skype. glad you're back .
  9. Still waiting for reply i have keys in my profile ready to pay you. Magic Lets do this i have csgo games to be played
  10. right i knew your name was familiar.. mpgh.. make sence now.. i'm going to be buying 1 account today and I will reporting feed back here.
  11. how can we go about trading ? i have 10 keys where do i send it to .. Can i see the account with you on skype .. can you share your screen so i can see it please. i have other questions.. i would like to buy more than 1 account as well... my skype technologic69 thanks for your time
  12. if only we had a search feature on this website..
  13. you would need access to the members panel to see such information.
  14. what about 1.2 Rank: (UNRANK) "Private Rank 3" Account with your Desired Id and Email. Price:- 12$ (Including PayPal Charges) Or 6 Keys. you boost it to lvl 3 ?
  15. <p>that's cool happy belated birthday</p>

  16. interested can we talk about the account over skype chat please Technologic69
  17. Global Accounts Welcomed !! Any Offers you can also Add me on Skype: Technologic69
  18. I'm Online every day on this forums.. Post offers or Send me PM. Thank you in advance.
  19. you got an available atm ? reply here or pm thanks.
  20. i sent you multiple pm's and no reply .. i'm still interested please let me know thx
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