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Everything posted by Zarago

  1. Fine, but you should try to edit the post so it's somehow an introduction of yourself.
  2. As Dexter mentioned, if you have injected the cheat on another account, then you switch over to Faceit later on without restarting your computer, the injection might still be active / on-going.
  3. I believe it's a safety measure. To keep the cheat / software away from your computer.
  4. I'll attempt to start being move active on the forums, I suppose an introduction would be a fitting start. I'm 20 years old. I am from Norway. I enjoy playing video games such as PUBG & FIFA. I have a brown poodle which is 5 and yes that's vital information. The door handle on my room is pretty standard with the exception of the 35mm screws which holds it. Most of the light adapters in my apartment are round and you will most likely find two or more cups / plates in my room. I believe by sharing this information you know me in and out. Thank you.
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