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Everything posted by OmgImGay

  1. How about you stop being a bitch. And have patience. Administrators have lives; none of us are robots. Moving on, you're a VIP, so now you may download the client. Top of the website, Member Panel to download the client. And for the love of Guadalupe, read the guides first.
  2. You're not even a VIP yet. You have to wait for Chod to approve your bitpay payment and activate your account afterwards
  3. Emiiru or Chod will activate you once he finds your post. This is taking into account that you 1. Posted in the right section 2. Posted the necessary information as stated 3. Posted legitimate information Also, understand that every activation is manually approved now. So be patient. EDIT: Previous lifetime members retain their Lifetime subscriptions.
  4. There is no such thing as a 100% undetectable cheat.
  5. Selling VIP is forbidden. Do not associate yourself with the OP. Once a moderator or administrator sees this he'll be ban.
  6. How come some old chods-cheats members got activated without even posting in the Restoration thread?
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