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Everything posted by youngmetz

  1. Stop disrespecting EA. EA made Chod.

    1. -luminosity-


      Chod made himself, also EA is dead stop crying about it Jesus.  ?

  2. Thank you. Can my infraction be fixed please.
  3. Enhanced aim is CHODS CHEATS lol.... Have you just started working here bro? EA is not RULE 3. Its a dead site that chod used to work for.
  4. I was an original member of Enhanced Aim from the first year they opened I believe. Lifetime. I have more rep with this company than anyone probably unless they've been with EA since then. Why is everyone so butthurt over me saying I think its bullshit that we haven't got a BFV hack.. Chod does such a good job, I love hacking in BFV
  5. that's bullshit. release a cheat for bf5. get money
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