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About strike325

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  1. Dunno what your current situation is, but I have an account that very loosely applies to what you're looking for. Right off the bat, I do not have a five year coin on the account I could sell you, I have cheated on this account in the past (with a provider I'm willing to disclose over PM), and I'm willing to go first. Considering the new level 3 bs you have to do, this account is probably worth your time. Even if you do burn me, my loses are minimal at best. It should also be noted the account is DMG rather than LEM or LE (ts one to two matches away from LE), I figure I might as well offer. I could rank it up if I wanted to I suppose... Also, whats your price range you're looking for exactly? I imagine you'd pitch me a much much much lower price given everything I just said, haha.
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