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I must be missing something


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So I'm trying to purchase 1 week of Paladins. I have bought the 1 month in the past and that seems to be causing some issues.

When I go to the store and click on Paladins, I get two options:




Pressing "View Purchase" just brings me to a page where I can only "Renew Now". And pressing this brings me to:




I don't have any option anywhere to select 1 week or 1 day. I must be missing something obvious, but I've been eye balling the store page for like 20 minutes trying to figure out how to purchase anything other than 30 days.


I have read the thread about changing the renewal terms, but according to that thread there is supposed to be a "Cancel Renewals" button on the store page, but as I've shown, there is none.

Edited by hillis92
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I don't think you will be getting any help here on the forums unfortunately, and they won't unban my Discord so I couldn't tell you if they are any faster there. On here it seems to take weeks if at all before you get answer.


But I created a ticket regarding my discord account being unbanned and mention this issue in the same ticket and managed to get this resolved. It seems like they have to manually reset your subscription so you can pick a new one. It was unclear if I will have to do this every time I want to change it, but I would guess so.

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  • 4 months later...

old post but the only way to select a different time option after having purchased is to renew under the initial term you last bought that product for then cancel renewals right away. Example, I purchase 7DTD 1x day, the one day then expires, now I am only left with the option to renew under one day so then I would need to renew 1 day then cancel renewals under manage purchases and that product. absolutely broken and should be addressed by the owner to avoid loss of future renewals. I hope this is helpful to some degree if anyone can make sense of how busted purchases are at the moment.

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