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How can you earn a reputation here without having to search for messages in old topics actually? :/ 
I understand that time and all that, but I personally am not particularly comfortable with the format of forums, unfortunately
I'm trying to earn 50 posts to get access to the VIP, but it seems that the forum get 2-6 messages per month. And if you are trying to reply to old threads (which were not answered by the way), then you are given a warning. What's the point? Maybe its better to take into account the presence of a message in Discord in the requirements? After all, this is where most of the communication happens.

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7 hours ago, WilddWolf said:

How can you earn a reputation here without having to search for messages in old topics actually? :/ 
I understand that time and all that, but I personally am not particularly comfortable with the format of forums, unfortunately
I'm trying to earn 50 posts to get access to the VIP, but it seems that the forum get 2-6 messages per month. And if you are trying to reply to old threads (which were not answered by the way), then you are given a warning. What's the point? Maybe its better to take into account the presence of a message in Discord in the requirements? After all, this is where most of the communication happens.

you can make post and start topics that ppl might wanna talk in/discuss topics. We will punish grave digging as old post can hold outdated info and by grave digging them new users might think that the outdated info is still valid and we have to deal with that in support instead of real issues.

and just keep in mind if you grave dig after gotten a warning in the end we will perma ban you and you wont be getting that vip slot, make sure you dont grave dig old posts and simple make post/guides/etc etc and you can get to 50 quite easy without grave digging old posts. we will allso take into account your warning when you apply for vip so if you have warnings we might not accept you.

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