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Store page linguistics support?


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Hey there all! I am very new here, and new to the cheating scene in general. You can read my introduction post if you care, but that's irrelevant to the topic at hand. Upon browsing some of the entries at the store page, i've noticed a number of grammatical and spelling mistakes. I think that the usage of proper english is an important detail to ensure successful advertising in any business endeavor, cheats included, so i thought that additional attention could be paid to some of the entires. Any self-respecting advertiser would pay great attention to the quality of language used in their ads - it leaves a great impression on a fluent speaker and doesn't matter at worst for the not-so-fluent speaker. As a linguist working part time in advertisement i am willing to offer my help and support for the store page as a means to making myself useful. By that i mean spell-checking, proof-reading etc. If you don't want this sort of support, or simply don't care, then that's completely fine too, i am sure the staff are perfectly capable of doing the job themselves - but i'd urge you to at least take look at the store page cheats and fix any of the mistakes already present. Thanks for reading, and have a great day with tasty cheddar :)

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With all due respect, not meaning to be pesky, but i'm pretty sure that the plural of "Knife" is "Knives" and not "Knifes" regardless of language - mistake present in the CS:GO hack to be precise. Spelling isn't all either, there's things that could be improved to make the sentences look better - again, not trying to talk shit or anything, just friendly advice.

Edited by Alkifighter
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  On 28/07/2018 at 23:26, Alkifighter said:

With all due respect, not meaning to be pesky, but i'm pretty sure that the plural of "Knife" is "Knives" and not "Knifes" regardless of language - mistake present in the CS:GO hack to be precise. Spelling isn't all either, there's things that could be improved to make the sentences look better - again, not trying to talk shit or anything, just friendly advice.


That would certainly be true :) apparently a few members of the staff have wanted to make edits, but never asked for it.

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