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Everything posted by Grim

  1. I think you would be surprised how many people that cheats in silver, not saying silver1-3 but from silver 4 and up ive faced alot of hackers while smurfing. Because getting out of silver alone is litterly hell if you are new to the game, and since alot of people get stuck in silver, people at silver elite-SEM are actually better then some novas. Again making it even harder to get out of silver. But thats pretty much just if u soloq, id say ranking up at higher ranks alone gets even harder.
  2. I've always wondered how many hackers there is i meet each game or daily when i play Legit. I myself usually spot the cheaters if they get abit greedy as i use cheat myself so it's not that hard to spot. I've heard alot of rumors about Valve saying that according to overwatch there is atleast 1 or more cheaters every single MM match, if this rumor is true i have no idea. Just heard alot about if after last banwave. I have also come to understand people with inventory no matter size also hack, and are extremely good at hiding it. Cause i guess RCS is pretty hard to spot during a MM match, as all it does is control the spray and it looks totally legit. Just wanted some thoughts and Discussion around this!
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