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About mag7god

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  1. can jet fuel melt steel beams?
  2. Try mag1c. You can find the rageboost page in the buy accounts and stuff section. Pretty good and can vouch.
  3. Well, i havent really done an introduction, so i guess im just gonna start off with stuff about me. » I have been cheating for over a year now » I am usually great with support and configuration help » I'm at DMG rank without cheats and TGE with cheats » VAC banned twice on main whoops I am extremely happy to be a part of the Chods cheats community, and cant wait to know everyone better. I want to play with people too, so add me PLEASE! (/id/stooledon420). If you need any help with a good cfg check out my config
  4. I honestly would if i remembered login info. I just change the steamguard email to an alternate email and ditch the account
  5. I don't know a physical way to give you proof, mainly because i dont remember any login info from my banned accounts, but ive been OW banned twice and they've never turned into VAC. The only proof is this is the only account ive been banned and i could find the profile again for overwatch. And i dont mean to brag, but after a year and a half of cheating, ive improved MUCH so im not a an idiot and get OW unless im raging. Anyways, there you go
  6. your title says overwatch, but body says VAC, but A) Overwatch, no matter what, will always be 100% your fault B) VAC? I'm not so sure, it might depend on what you were doing or if you used another cheat provider, better to get info from an admin, or post any past cheats that you may have used.
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