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  1. I got many over 500 hours, pm me on skype and i can sell you the one you like. skype: mcludde
  2. I got an account that fulfills your criteria, pm me on skype if interested: mcludde
  3. I have one that fits your criteria. Pm me on skype: mcludde
  4. How can i remove this thread? i want to start a new one where im selling 20 accounts without getting instabanned
  5. Could you explain what is considered "spamming" on this forum? hence no rules about the sell forum are stated. I want you to show me where i "hijacked" other sales threads. The final thing i want you to do is why explain to me why i got banned for almost 24 hours? no warning no past rules broken and i just got instabanned. I was also banned from using the actual cheat.
  6. Selling csgo DMG acc with 62hrs and 20 wins and it includes the game Rust. 100% clean no vac and never been cheating on. Price is 20 USD Skype: mcludde
  7. The account has 48h and 10 wins, 100% clean, never cheated on. It also has Rust Price is 20 USD Add me on skype: mcludde [ATTACH=CONFIG]689[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]690[/ATTACH]
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