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Everything posted by bandudu

  1. bandudu

    Sincere advice

    It's a perfect cheating, but there are some flaws When I turn on cheating, it's 10-15fps lower than usual The targeting system is not very accurate for long-range enemies Adding mobile prediction would be perfect When the enemy switches to the turret position and the cab is empty, the vehicle ESP will be blind I hope it can be changed to show the location of enemy vehicles, whether or not there are people in the vehicles If ESP can add enemy barracks and FOB, that would be great These are my suggestions for cheating, but I can't deny that it's perfect cheating
  2. bandudu

    Sincere advice

    这是一个完美的作弊,但有一些缺陷 当我开启作弊功能时,它比平时低10-15fps 瞄准系统对远程敌人不是很准确 添加移动预测将是完美的 当敌人切换到炮塔位置且驾驶室为空时,车辆ESP将失明 我希望可以更改它以显示敌方车辆的位置,而不管车辆中是否有人 如果ESP可以添加敌军营房和FOB,那就很好了 这些是我作弊的建议,但我不能否认这是完美的作弊
  3. 牛逼嗷比自己买便宜,楼上那两家比原价贵一点还爱答不理的,还是这个牛逼
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