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About zkirby

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  1. @AnimuTheCannibal Love the instant support - you've sold me and I can wait as long as it takes... Thanks again. Last question, is there anything I can do now to set myself up for VIP Status to be invited to buy the cheat when it comes out? zkirby
  2. I gathered that but I think it's worth the wait from what I've read about Chod's... I've been slogging through this game on and off for years so a little wait is nothing to me lol. With that being said any idea on an eta? Also I know it's impossible to say but how secure/safe could I reasonably feel about getting banned? I don't want to "rage". I mostly want to take away the surprise of the campers etc, so I see the ESP being the biggest gain for me. zkirby
  3. Hello all. New here - thinking about seeking a little boost... Longtime computer game player, 42 yrs old. Been playing EFT since launch pretty much off and on and am just getting destroyed left and right. I'm not a pro but no slouch either and can hold my own in every other game I play. Last night I got totaled by a dude with a tiny gun who literally sprinted into a room i was in (I was crouched behind a desk and hadn't moved for over 5 mins so no noise). heard him enter first floor, run up stairs, 1 shot a scav, then sprinted into my room and one shot my face...... I don't hate the player, just the game sometimes... I'm seriously considering a one month boost to get me headed in the right direction. Thinking ESP would be nice.... Anyway, hope I am able to gain VIP access. zkirby
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