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Everything posted by terryfold

  1. terryfold

    aim bot

    I also like the saftey of the hack just fire at them when there green through bushes if you want to cheat obviously you will be safe from them I mean they might report you but far less of a chance then with aim bot... a solo player killed 3 of us with head shots through a wall we all reported him. pretty sure he was banned the next day. Night levels team mates glow the same color as enemy's, If I could make a suggestion it would be to change that.. I've been shot by players or seen a team mate shot by a player 2 or 3 times on a night level and I knew immediately (didn't report), he was using hacks because of that (I assumed this one but I don't know if they all do the same thing or not haven't used any one elses hacks).? . The hack actually makes me a better player. I did not find the game fun because I sucked. After using the hack i feel more secure playing and it allows me to actually get practice in I know longer to afraid to move and don't stand in the open anymore. and I'm learning what tatics are for good spots and where loot spawns. I don't know if I will need the hack to enjoy the game in a few months :p. could be my training wheels. Thanks for writing it Funny story actually got the hack because this girl I met on tinder plays it shes hot went out for a few dates we played once I sucked. I was like err I need an edge. I made a new account though can't have a ban show up on my main account (I know the risks). ?
  2. hack works great. no aimbot (maybe in future). but works great no crash's for me.
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