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Posts posted by xyzippy

  1. Hey everyone, hope youre all doing well. 


    Id really appreciate any help on this...  Im looking for an old thread I posted. I log into my account and my profile says I posted 5 posts (this should b 6).  I click "show all history" , but nothing comes up. 


    How can I retrieve my old post?  It was from around the time I created my account here, 05-25-2020.  

    Any ideas on why I cant find it?  

    It was about DayZ  ban evasions.   I had a short conversation with someone, we went back and forth.  But all the old notifications are gone, any trace of the thread even existing.  However, I see PLENTY of other threads from 05-25-2020 still around.  Im curious why mine would have vanished?   Is there any way I can get it back?

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