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lvcrxrcr last won the day on October 4 2020

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  1. Is it bad that i just bought a cheat for a game i have never played, before g2g even gives my my account? Do i need to go to rehab? LOL
  2. For the meantime, anyone want to loan me their computer? lol
  3. Are there any plans for a spoofer again? I think I am possibly the ONLY person ever HWID banned from Hunt showdown and want to play again LOL
  4. lvcrxrcr


    I wouldn't mind getting a little crew of like-minded squad players. hit me up if you want to play together.
  5. Just wanted to say - I was hardware banned for reasons COMPLETELY my fault (I was having too much fun and couldn't control myself HAHAHAHAH)" BUT - When I requested for my subscription to be moved to a different game, they did so within like 2 minutes! AMAZING service guys. The cheats are great almost never detected (usually only manual bans for being obvious), and the service is even better.
  6. You found a good place. This place is legit. If you have any trust issues, just use a reseller like faceless' store so you can use paypal. Just an extra level of protection.
  7. HAHA I know exactly what you mean with age. Reflexes start falling fast after 30. I used to be accused of hacking all the time when I wasn't. Now that Im 35, I'm better than average in FPS games but no longer the best. The cheats just make it fun and easy to make people mad.
  8. I also want to say that with the new update, I was thinking it would be quite a while before the cheat was updated. It only took 1 day. That's awesome.
  9. I am a really good player, I don't need cheats to win several games in a row. However I got very bored of the game and decided that this might make it fun again. Me and a friend got his and even though it is only ESP, it has been such a blast. Both of us are on the leaderboards now. When we got this hack a few weeks ago, it was very basic with just boxes and distances of enemy players. I am enjoying the fact that this has so far been regularly updated and improved. Being able to see outlines of characters just like your own team is GREAT. It is a bummer that the hack just got disabled, but I am eagerly waiting for it to come back online.
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