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About klungex

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  1. 2 things i need. i wold like to buy slot of vac'ed accounts. i cant use owerwached. and i need alot of nice comments on my steam account. if you write on i will write one back when i see it steamcommunity.com/id/larsvontrir i can also trade you this acc:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197960291322/ it also have 5 euro in it. for some accs to. for ass i sayd cant use the games for ennything only need csgo
  2. 850 wins 2100 hours no boost alot of games. and like 17 commends in ech. id/larsvontrir. expensive tho
  3. hey i have been looking for a place where all cheats are listed. but i cant find one i'm gonna start one my self. if you know enny i missed put the in the comments and i will add the to the thread. and only cheats we know work. this shit takes longer to find that i Thoth but i have found the coders names and removed the one who looked like scam on d3
  4. link works for me. im a trusted momber on vunoclub/mantacore/here and it depends on how you will buy it. skins or other way
  5. you will get one if you decide to buy it. im on my phone right now so can't. need alot more than 30 for it
  6. i have been thinking about selling my main acc, it have 820 games on it and lays LEM. it also have 2000 hours. i have played 1 game whit vuno league private cheat. for 3 mots ago other whise i have never cheated on it. i duno hvat els to say about it. here is the link to it:http://steamcommunity.com/id/larsvontrir/ i accept both paypall and csgo items. but i prefer csgo items. sence its safer for me. it also have all coins exept 1. so offer me
  7. whell did not think about what happens if he scamms me. did not get the acc:( camme f***
  8. hey im buying this acc he will go first. so if he don't get the items. that means i scammed him.
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