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Everything posted by WadasPRO

  1. I search Polish cheaters. My SteamID: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198272915994/ PM me if you are interested(rank- LEM). I send Teamspeak IP only in PM.
  2. Cheat can be detected, because I see many reports. My friend use CC too and he wasn't banned, so I'm not sure.
  3. <p>The biggest ringleader on this forum:)</p>

    <p>I don't like him.</p>

    <p>Added to s**t list.</p>

  4. WadasPRO


    Hello nice to meet you. I hope that you will feel good. Welcome in our community:)
  5. I think should be new rank on chod's cheats:"trusted seller".
  6. BattleField has right better buy new pc, beacuse probably you have old hardware.
  7. Send me private message. I can answer at your question.
  8. You can't use this on faceit, because Chod officially don't support Faceit server side anticheat. You can try without visuals if you wont, but this is your decision.
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