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Arcania last won the day on August 31 2022

Arcania had the most liked content!

About Arcania

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  1. Just curious what the 'Throw Pebbles' and the 'Interruption' and 'No Interruption' options do in the game? Thanks!😀
  2. wow, that was quick! thank you
  3. Will the current cheat work with the new game update, or does the cheat need to be updated as well? Thanks for any answers :).
  4. I've found as survivor, setting it to 473.5 is just a bit faster than normal, and doesnt look suspicious as long as you dont keep it on. Use it when youre running from the killer and break line of sight, to get a small boost to allow yourself to get away, or while looping. Make sure to hold shift occasionally to leave scratch marks, as running without leaving any scratch marks does look quite odd to the killer (holding shift will return you temporarily to normal running speed and leave scratch marks).
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