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Everything posted by vibromyalgia

  1. it was recently updated, try it now.
  2. DBD might be a better game currently but tcm is a new game in general when DBD has been out for years. Give it time and it will rival DBD making people really pick a side. lol
  3. Hey bud, are you on the discord by chance? do you also have anydesk? i could take a look at it for you if you would like. I assume by ticket up you mean you have sent in a support ticket, if so smart decision. They might be able to see if something is wrong with the cheese like an update for the game that broke it. If thats not the case I'll gladly take a look at it for you.
  4. Pretty sure it just has you repurchase it once your time is up. My manage subscriptions isn’t showing anything and I have two cheeses currently.
  5. Sorry guys there was an issue with the cheese in the past and they had to update it. Probably the same thing with it currently. edit:please lock thread
  6. mine isnt working am i using the wrong settings?
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