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About Nightmarez

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  1. so i saw that DayZ was back up, but now its gone again whats going on? Shouldnt we be told whats going on?
  2. direct steam ID no way to remove it.
  3. okay Thank you Very much for info Emiiru is there any way i could get an email when the cheat is back online like some sort of news mail?
  4. oh so Dayz cheat is dissabled when will it be up again iknow that can be to tell but just like within a week or are we talking months here?
  5. what im a fucking member now? wow.... thanks.... anyway i would like to renew my subsciption
  6. for some reason i cant acess my control panel and is dayZ cheats gone from the sales page? i was thinking of renewing it.
  7. so i put the client on a USB and tried starting it and when i login it crashes.
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