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Posts posted by Axelarg

  1. Thanks for the replies i have been playing for 3 years now a long time ago when the game didnt have any cheat it was like a different game but this last year i noticed that everyone started to play like gods. 


    I always played this game because of the pvp not because of the hardcore aspect once you know the game its really easy to make money and have tons of gear but the pvp is a part that has been losing the fun for me. 


    I guess that i will try tomorrow this is my last try to save the game, i sound like someone crying for hacks but its just my honest truth 

  2. Hi everyone first english is not my first language so forgive me for my bad english. 


    I am thinking on buying chods eft cheat but the truth is i like this game a lot i enjoy playing legit but this last month just were boring because i feel that everyone was using cheats and i was having a bad time. 


    So this is the question can someone tell me how often do you guys see another players with cheats if its really a lot of players using esp i will just buy it and have a good time. 


    Im sorry if i am breaking any rules with this post and thanks for your time 



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