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About LMKevin2

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  1. It’s funny cuz I can take ur site down for fraud and sue u for selling of illegal goods :))
  2. I haven’t made any charge backs as my credit card has been stolen and the last amount of money that has been spent of it has been refunded back . It might of been a mistake the chargeback and I would like to know how much it was so I can pay it off and get my acc back
  3. Hey , my account under the name of kevindan2002 has been banned for some reason . As far as I’m aware I have not don’t anything that would get my account banned but I would rly much love to know why I got banned . I had 3 active subs ( EFT , CS:GO , ROE ) . Also I had a paypal email that has been sent to me on the date of my account being banned with a transaction that has not went through and I would like to know if that’s is the issues of my ban and how could I get unbanned . Kind regards Kevin
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