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About wacksauce47

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  1. So i looked at the days i have remaining for the EFT hack and its depleting. The day the hack went "live" for about an hour, i remember i had 91 days left. As of today, i have 82 days left... I mean, that day the hack went "live" was a joke bcus only 10% actually got to use it but whatever, not the point im trying to make. Our subscriptions days remaining are slowly depleting without the hacks actually being even live..
  2. Since the new hack is "coming soon"... My question is how do stay even more "safe" as a personal user of the hack when it finally comes out? I have no background when it comes coding or anything in that field, so idk how the whole detection process works. Are there any tips that the community can give so that we don't raise the BE flag for our individual accounts. I apologize, ahead of time for the lack of knowledge when it comes to this topic.
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