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Everything posted by Jordan2014

  1. Going through the process of buying will post if all goes well have sent payment
  2. Add me on skype: jordan.rees.witcombe VERY INTERESTED
  3. Needs to have 200+ hours more the better. Really need a trusted account have had three new accounts banned already, really need a trusted account.
  4. I am looking to buy an account with CSGO with 100+ hours the more the better. I don't care about ranks, Unranked would be good or nova 1+ If you have one to sell please reply!
  5. I have just bought the hacks for CS:GO and I am loving them already, I was wondering how to edit the hacks, I have read about configs but have no idea how to do this, would really be thankful if someone could help me out would mean a lot! :cool:
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