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Everything posted by feuras

  1. Player ESP Distance Good as expected, though would be great if there was an option to shrink the text though (consider settings to control global text scale and colour. Would enhance the value of other hacks too i.e. Squad vehicle marker text.) Skeleton As expected, very good. Ship ESP All very good. Others ESP All very good. Aimbot Smoothness All good. Their detection has been historically bad in this regard but is getting better. Crosshair All good. Size slider? Often not aligned with ironsights for some weapons - if the game wrong or the maths? Target Bots Hotkey? Otherwise good. Prediction Does this track with new projectile weapons, grendanes and laucher etc? Feels good enough. Misc Speed (amount, key) Works great, very strong in this game. Infinite Stamina No Spread No Recoil Instant Ads Rapid Fire Infinite Ammo Add Money Add Xp Add Prestige All great. Teleport (Object you look at/My dock) Doesn't work perfectly, but can be manipulated in a range of situations to have fun. Teleport straight through vault doors with ease because they aren't "terrain". Item Spawner It works great, especially fun to spawn valuables and give them away to novice players. There was a unique glitch I often managed to replicate by spawning different items rapidly - a diff item would spawn than intended, however its "true" identity would be the requested item. For example: I try to spawn an endgame storage container, instead a headpiece spawns randomly from the glitch, I drag the headpiece onto my character and they are now wearing a container in that slot, can take it into raid, drop it etc. Is there a way to understand this glitch and integrate its manipulation into the cheat? Contracts Modifier It works great. Make All Cosmetics Free It works great. Save Configs Great functionality!
  2. I've used Chod's Squad hack on and off for about a year. Here are my key takeaways: The cheat is quickly updated following a new patch. I've never had to wait for the cheat to be updated. The ESP and Aimbot functions are perfect. Distances are always spot-on for ranging targets which provides a nice advantage. The misc features, speed hack, infinite ammo are incredible in this game, where speed and resource management are essential. If you play intelligently, these features are almost impossible for another player to spot. Pricing is fair - not expensive like other FPS cheats. Bans are non-existent. Never kicked from a match in many hundreds of hours of play. One feature which would be nice: The distance marker can be too large when aiming at vehicles far away, obscuring vision. An option for the marker to fade when aimed at would be good.
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