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Everything posted by skytime69

  1. something about the fov not working and i belive skin changer
  2. Hey my name is skyler and ive been lurking on chods for a good while and recently have come back and have really enjoyed my time . The staff is great any issues ive had they were polite and helped me quickly. @Faceless Anyways id like to give back to the community so i am gonna give away a sub to the game of your choice. Just comment below what cheez u want and why. I will pick atleast 1 person 48 hrs from this post! thanks. skyler
  3. ive been a memeber here since the good ole days of tarkov. im curious is rust ever gonna be available for me to buy? ive been checking havent seen it come up forsale yet
  4. no banned when queing for casual
  5. i had csgo injected and forgot to close the game started playing siege and got banned lol wasnt cheating on siege should have restarted
  6. wont let me re buy or use the chat can some one help i want to buy tarkov
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