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Everything posted by Xsycotic

  1. If It was a 3 package It would be amazing.
  2. Good Morning Boys!


  3. Which one of you assholes invited this retard over nextdoor?1614033437_hqdefault(1).jpg.71ca2860ef72ba55666e0cf2fc3bc6da.jpg

  4. Gotcha, but it’s planned so when it releases it’ll definitely be a worthy buy. Any ETA on its release?
  5. I recently received a game ban from rust. But I stoppped playing R6S. I may begin once more if Hybris works well with it
  6. Just got my ass kicked by a huge fucking jelly fish.

    Bitch ass Neighbor ain't helping either mannnn  SB-2-NICKOP0004.thumb.jpeg.2b629d7732e3a1ad3e8422907ec1a3e1.jpeg

  7. Anyone else excited for the upcoming release of Hybris Recoil? By Chod Cheats I for one cannot wait, I'm extremely excited for the cheat along with the fact that It also supports two other games not just one. The pricing seems fair and I plan on buying it as soon as It comes out and releasing a review for it after I use it for a day or so. Considering It's going to be supporting Rust, PUBG, and R6S I expect something super nice made by the developers of the cheat, I for one cannot wait till It's release? Anybody else leave some feedback below ❤️
  8. Spongebob just had a house party with a fucking Jelly Fish, I hate this neighborhood

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