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Posts posted by Kamikaize

  1. I always used the cheese to avoid players / pick up valuable items from static loot spots before BE (used for two wipes previous to .12). I never got banned on any of my accounts, and its how I plan to use the cheese once it is re-released. That being said, with BE thrown into the mix, the general consensus seems to be that it will get detected quickly. One way or the other, I'll be leaving it alone for a while once it launches for others to test the water. 

    Personally, I would love to see an ESP or even a loot-radar only version of Chods (the screenshots we've seen recently look really good). I think the entire cheese should be loot only honestly, since it means other players wont be complaining about hacks and it would lower chances of detection while allowing us to make money hand over fist. At least, thats how I see it working out given my incredible lack of knowledge on the subject.

    As for invite only / ID required / etc. meh. I already trust Chods stuff to do magical things in my computer that I don't understand so sending a pic to someone over the internet I'm fine with. I already have to do that shit to use electric scooters in my town and I don't trust those apps as much as I do Chod and team so... If it would help lower chances of detection, it sounds good to me. 

    At the end of the day, we won't know anything until the cheese comes out and I eagerly await that day (plus a few days to let others get detected and hopefully have the cheese refined).

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