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Posts posted by Priest

  1. 45 minutes ago, borrachoboy said:

    I mean if we’re being honest keep aimbot off. With esp and no recoil, no breath, no sway it’s a fucking dream. 

    good point but im just worried maybe they can look at game and spot that stuff easy. like if i toggle aim bot on a off to get head shot and body shots and then check corners as well and they see recoil and sway that it will look more realistic but idk you are rright about it being ten times easier with that stuff lol and sometimes a play legit and its easy but idk lol

  2. So i know atm the cheat is down but when i did use it although i am rather new the aimbot was sometimes a bit off and could exactly hit its target so is there a way to make it more accurate? like does fov effect it? or can i toggle it on and then off just to get my aim there quicker? or is there better settings like speeds that make it more accurate? 

  3. 55 minutes ago, sakers said:

    Transferring would probably be the better safer solution! As of right now i'm pretty sure they don't HWID. But I have never been banned. I only use esp and no recoil and aim bot SOMETIMES!  But just know your always subject to be banned. No matter how safe you use the cheese.


    23 minutes ago, LochBessNessie said:

    Ye basically what @sakers said. It will only show the loot that has spawned in on the map, Also Welcome

    Thank you guys so much and yeah ill try to be safe but i guess ill get another account just to be safer :)

  4. 27 minutes ago, sakers said:

    You type in what loot you want. The loot has to be on the map before it will show in filter. It will only show what item you have selected.



    26 minutes ago, sakers said:

    Also if the cheese goes down through the week its usually up same day. If it goes down late Friday you might as well just wait for Monday dev does not work weekends.

    oh okay thank you so much for everything and the fast reply. im happy they at least take precautions lol. Should i use another account for cheats just in case i get banned? because i have the edge of darkness edition and would not want it getting banned so is it just better to buy a standard and then use it to transfer money and all that to my main? 

  5. can someone explain loot filter? also sometimes the aim bot is a little off of the target or cant hit it which is weird. also sometimes it locks on it but i know this may be funny but ive ran out of ammo and had to reload but sometimes when its locked its hard to i guess unlock so i can run somewhere else. and just wondering i dont know all the features but can someone explain some of the good features that i may have not seen. also how long does it take to update because right now it says its disabled because of security reasons? if anyone can help that would be awesome :)

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