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Posts posted by StiksIsStoned

  1. Hi all , 

    as you can see in the title im on the fence about purchasing some Cheese for EFT and wanted to get some input. I have played EFT for over a year and consider myself pretty good at the game, 6ish months ago i had a fairly high extraction rate and was always running full kit with plenty on money to supply runs. In the past few months ive noticed a big spike in players Cheesing NO im not hear to rant or be triggered just sayin my extract rate is half of what it was and atleast 1 out of 3 raids it seems like theres some cheese goin on. I have cheated on different games and had fun doing it and since it seems like its becoming Cheese or be Cheesed im thinkin of getting back into it . With that said I have some questions.


    Obviously anytime you cheese you risk the chance of being smacked by the ban hammer I get that but ive been reading a lot of the posts on forums and see a lot of people talking about  " safe mode "  so my question is , does it turn off certain features ( rage type features ) to minimalize visual detection from say a person reviewing your account cause you got reported or flagged? or does it leave a smaller footprint in detection methods? ( I know nothing about injectors so I don't know if the more features you use the larger the injection is for example ) .


    I see a lot of posts where you guys say you use features such as " no recoil, no sway etc " if BSG is watching your replay wouldn't that be a dead give away ? 


    I know no cheese is 100% undetectable but im curious as to how often the " ban waves " have dectected Chod's Cheese.  Have more bans from chod's been from detection from injections or from player reports/ bsg manual bans?


    Thank you in advance for any insight / help and any other info would be greatly appreciated .


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