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Everything posted by Shrooms

  1. 30 isnt enough, and i no longer deal with paypal. btc or tf2 keys
  2. Sup fellas, got a 101 mil 9 digits late 2014 account. 249 hours of cs go, its got 1.6 and source as well.(cs complete) Steam Guards enabled, has a wallet market access etc, operation vanguard coin and some shitty skins and cases in the inv. Ranks Global Elite, 48 mm wins. Looking for about 30$ either paypal or tf2 keys/bitcoin. Add me on skype, shroomz.exe http://imgur.com/a/5dpYb
  3. I can take tf2 keys or bitcoin. make me an offer, if its in a fair range ill take it, the value with sales is around 340$, and im aware its worth less then that
  4. I was sure i put the vac staus in the album... thanks for reminding me!
  5. No price, just leave me an offer either here or via pm and if its a figure i like or around that ill let you know
  6. Hello chods, today im selling my main account. It has 110 games on profile, says something like 117 in library. Rank is global elite, with 66 wins. 539 hours on record, no vac bans and no overwatch. Steam wallet has 0.53 usd on it, tax info has been filled in. Has profile rep comments dating back to 25 june of 2013, tf2 and cs go trading, paypal rep thread etc. Album with all relevant screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/hqVKu Please tell me if you wish to see any more screenies that you think are relevant and missing, and i dont give out the account link due to it being my main and i dont want any bans. Leave me some offers, bitcoin preferred and will be discounted for. As always, have a nice day friends. You can usually contact me the fastest by skype, shroomz.exe
  7. Sold to scatterybrane, hes a legit buyer sale went thru with no hassles
  8. back on 88 wins, a cheater i played with got banned, still lem, 305 hours on cs
  9. http://puu.sh/dydQ5/89d4427283.jpg 90 wins, couple more till supreme. LEM Still
  10. Selling my Legendary Eagle account, 269 hours on cs go, 839 on tf2 along with tf2 premium. Has 75 wins, a few losses and a lot of ties in match history, played legit without cheats as its my smurf. Screenshots. http://puu.sh/dwmDw/0dc0619362.jpg Hours. http://puu.sh/dwmKK/4b1c706fac.jpg Rank. It has steam guard enabled, i will provide an email with the account. Im only taking paypal or keys, and we can use a MM i trust or you can go first. Looking for 45$ or the equivalent in keys, reply to this thread, pm me or add me on skype: shroomz.exe Skype is usually the fastest way to get in touch.
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