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Everything posted by Shrooms

  1. Sup, selling my idled account. 2 years of service, DMG with 10 wins 841 hours of cs go, 325 hours of css and 3100 hours of tf2. CS GO Has op bloodhound coin, tf2 has premium. Screenshots Looking for offers in btc, steam wallet codes or cs keys/skins or tf2 keys/high value items. GL with your offers, starting the bidding price at 30$, not going first as I will supply Original email. Its also level 30 on steam.
  2. Looking to sell my main account, 710 hours of cs go 3 MM wins few faceit wins never been cheated on. Has operation Bloodhound coin, 5yrs of service coin etc and some shitty skins for tf and cs, looking for min 50$, can take btc from anyone or paypal from very trusted users. PM Me, we can use a MM or you go first unless I deem you trustworthy. I can provide a steam link upon request if your trustworthy, or I can make screenshots when im on my pc not on phone. ~Shrooms.
  3. Daily bump, also I sent you an invite gunnar.
  4. Hi guys, I am selling my current main acc. Global elite, got it at 113 wins. I have a gold operation Vanguard coin, and the new operation Bloodhound coin as well. Account has 360 hours on cs go, none idled all just accumulated. Screenshots Screenshot of rankup. Hours and games Inventory page 1 Inv page 2. In game home menu. Vac status. Looking for 21 TF2 Keys, or 40$ bitcoin. I wont go first, but we can go half and half if your reps really good. PM me if your interested
  5. SellinG MGE Acc 19 wins 15$ btc or skins pm me if interested
  6. how much in skins do ya want? Im very interested in this account.
  7. No, i have never even purchased chods. personally i wouldnt ever use it lol
  8. Bumping to the top, previous reply hasnt taken any action so ill take it as a false offer.
  9. Try hackforums/Leakforums, theres a few people selling "private" cheats, but i dont think most are usable at lan.
  10. Bumping this nigga up, the previous buyer had issues with purchasing keys so we didnt complete a sale.
  11. Yea no worries, we could do the trade half n half if need be. I also have the email changed from original about 3 weeks ago now, so i cant lock it from OE, and you can change the password with the email i supply.
  12. is that the highest you will go? its level 30 now, almost 3k on tf and nearing 700 on cs
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