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  1. well, im not looking to let it go really cheap. Considering over $200 euro has been invested intop the account, I won't take anything shit. Also, has this inventory I can leave some items in there: http://gyazo.com/6da01ccf18acbb741f39acc2602905dc Glock fade p250 nuclear mw and more
  2. Hey, I am looking to sell my personal steam for paypal or csgo items. My account: Steam level 33 800+ Hours CSGO 9 Pages of +rep ( some include paypal trades etc, most just normal reps ) Want items for paypal. Offer me.
  3. Still selling, please don't say you will buy then waste my time and don't buy it. offers over $25 considered.
  4. Then you can leave my thread can't you? There will probs be a new way to trade on vaced acc's soon, I just don't wanna wait...
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