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Posts posted by Axooo

  1. Yo guys i got banned like a weak ago and i did like raid 0 and all the other stuff to not get banned again, and i bought a new acc yestarday have played 10 raids yestarday came online today and played, im NOT banned. So will i not get banned anymore? so my friends can transfare cash.

    or how long does it take to check if ur banned?


  2. 3 hours ago, NovicaneZero said:

    I will further elaborate, my last ban was Jan 2nd ban wave I wasn't using a spoofer and was able to buy a new account and play without a spoofer just fine. 

    Mmh very interesting 

  3. 24 minutes ago, NovicaneZero said:

    BE typically doesn't HWID fist time, that being said I would highly recommend using the spoofer, however it's status is unknown atm. Many people are reporting that it works fine. I hope this info helps you make a decision one way or the other. Have a great day.

    do you know about this ? So lets say i play on my main sometimes and sometimes on my hack acc and i get banned on my hack and i dont start the game with the main acc, am i banned on both ? thanks

  4. Hey guys so i have one Eod main acc that i use without cheats and i have another standard account, i really wanna cheat but im scared. (i dont care if i get banned, i mean i can just buy another acc.) but the thing that "scares" me is getting hwid banned. So lets say i play on my main sometimes and sometimes on my hack acc and i get banned on my hack and i dont start the game with the main acc, am i banned on both ? cuz my hwid is registered in their system or what ever or only the acc which i hacked on, and ofc if i would be hwid banned i shoudnt start the game on my main acc as i would get banned. second question: if i get hwid banned is it confirmed what battle eye bans in terms of hardware or what bypasses are there, i guess i heard of a guide with reinstalling windows and raid 0 or what ever but not sure if that works + there is like no hwid spoofers which are reliable and i know of(if you know any good ones post them pls or dm me) also am i correct that with a hwid spoofer, if i get banned the account gets banned but the hwid not + i know about how to check if ur hwid is banned with getting ur money back. Like can someone make a guide to clear up some stuff

  5. 1. arma 3

    2. bohemia

    3. cuz its a huge game its awesome and alot of people play it meaning lots of ppl want cheats+no real cheats which dont get detected on a daily basis also i think programming features for it could be fun and maybe smth diffrent as you can do so much with arma

  6. YO guys like alot of us i got banned when the BAn wave came so now that the cheat is working fine im looking for an EOD account and i would be happy if we could use a middleman from chods forums too im looking for a cheap price so if û have an account or u know someone who has one just PM

    here is my discord if u feel like PMing me here Axo#3538

    THanks for ur help and have fun HAcking

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