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Everything posted by bemad1

  1. not yet. give me a sec... i will during this evening. will post screenshots. if you want to go for the original thread at the other forum, just search for "tarkov no grass" -i wont share any links cause i dont know if its ok :B
  2. it works. i have screenshots from my mate and he used it for hrs to hunt down guys at woods...
  3. the point is, that i am the guy with that real magic trick (made by chod) and only my mates do these grass-things! but i just asked the one who told me about all this and he said it was the NVIDIA INSPECTOR. Nevertheless ty for correction ? just wanted to share for the guys who obviously cant wait anymore... :B
  4. ...i can gift you some magic trick to play without grass/trees/bushes! i just shared it yesterday evening @chat, but i guess most of you missed it. THE FOLLOWING IS NOT MY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY! WE HAVE FOUND IT AT ANOTHER FORUM AND IT WORKS! YOU CANT GET BANNED FOR USING IT, BECAUSE ITS JUST DRIVER BASED! HERE`S WHAT TO DO: -Open Nvidia Inspector -Select "Escape from Tarkov" -go to Antialiasing - Transparency Supersampling and switch it to 0x00000008 AA_mode_replay_mode_all then go to Texture filtering - LOD Bias (both) and change both settings manually to "0x00000025"and hit apply. That´s it. Hope you guys have some fun while waiting for chod´s update... (PS: you can increase the number to get more of an effect and lower to get better graphics)
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