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About imagen2k

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  1. I haven't been able to spend time gaming, and I noticed that I just got an email with an invoice asking me to pay for a renewal. Can I just ignore this and renew everything at a later date? Or do I need to terminate this account in order to keep myself from being charged?
  2. im in the process of using Oxyde for someone who offered $80
  3. **UPDATE** Just logged in and its not even set up with a name ITS GOOD BOYS
  4. As stated above. Logged in once. I don't even recall going into a single raid with it and i checked a few mins ago after hearing about the ban wave and it isnt banned. I am about to start college and I don't think I will be playing much eft so might as well get some textbook money UPDATE ** - Im a dummy and checked it last night. Gotta wait 2 weeks for new HWID code. Feel free to contact me in 2 wks for the account.
  5. I bought this account thinking I would keep it as a backup or potentially a hardcore account. Never even used it. Make a legitimate offer by PM and lets see where it goes.
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